哈囉~強 » Leisure Activities in StarLIMS AP » BBQ@TaiMeTukBbqKing 2009/02/15

2009-2-15 22:21 Hello Keung
BBQ@TaiMeTukBbqKing 2009/02/15

Other photos: [url=http://www.hellokeung.com/gallery/photo_n209]http://www.hellokeung.com/gallery/photo_n209[/url]
Attend a briefing of a volunteer work in Morning
Go to Tai Me Tuk BBQ King at Noon
Already start
Full up so early
2 goats
Many rabbits
No much choice
Mangrove area
Mangrove in the water
Pick stone
Stone bridge
Catch a small crab
Taget is a stone bare on the sea
Football with a dog
Other photos: [url=http://www.hellokeung.com/gallery/photo_n209]http://www.hellokeung.com/gallery/photo_n209[/url]

2009-2-16 08:33 jojo
咦!原來只係二公briefing. :face17:都係吃渴為主:face28: 有係明珠台:face31:

2009-2-16 09:27 Hello Keung
Actually, the briefing is not explain what will be do. I think they be not deep planning for each post. Just to know teammates. :face48:

2009-2-16 09:45 jojo
回復 #3 Hello Keung 的帖子


2009-2-16 11:25 Hello Keung
回復 #4 jojo 的帖子

All of you don't like camping. Thus I join the overnight section for camping. Overnight section should be no/rare female. :face48:

2009-2-16 11:35 jojo
回復 #5 Hello Keung 的帖子

overnight camp? 咩呀. d女去過東提小築, 塘福宿過營ge. 不過都幾年前的事. 去宿營,又要幫佢地諗玩咩. 行山唔得,無話游水,海邊嘻水都唔去. 除左只係shopping/賭錢/食,一日流流長就係咁打發.:face48:

2009-2-16 13:02 Hello Keung
for me, looking the sea for spend the day-time, looking the sky for spend the night-time. why need do much activity? :face77:

2009-2-16 15:30 Charles
回復 #7 Hello Keung 的帖子


2009-2-16 17:10 jojo
回復 #8 Charles 的帖子


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